Dios te salve, Santa María
llena eres de gracia
Yemayá es contigo.
Bendita tú eres
entre todos navíos
y bendito es el fruto
de vientre de Colón.
Santa María,
Madre del Mar,
ruega por nosotros
indios remisos,
ahora y en la hora
del genocidio, amén.
In 2015 I began a series of research projects and performances centered around Christopher Columbus as a symbol of European imperialism and white supremacy, and the lasting impact of his “discovery” of the Americas.
For GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM (Santa Maria) , I traveled to the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Portugal, France and Spain with the replica of the boat La Santa Maria. Wearing a jumpsuit with embroidered letters spelling the titular phrase, I navigated public spaces while carrying the boat for 2 months and 9 days, The performance concludes with the return of Columbus’s boat to the Atlantic Ocean in the exact location where Columbus departed in 1492, suggesting the closing of a circle and completion of a journey.
Depaul Art Museum,