The Lion's Teeth was also the name of my first solo exhibition in Italy, and it was an installation that included, stop motion animation, video, performance, sculpture, text, and writing. The Lion’s Teeth began with a stop motion animation which centered around the historical, botanical, decolonial and metaphorical study of dandelions. I collected over 20,000 dandelions heads approximately one million seeds, which are the foundation of all the work in the exhibition. The flower, which is considered an invasive species originally native to Europe, is now found all over the world. The stop motion utilizes the fruits and vegetables that were brought to Europe from America and colonized territories, and now consumed all around the world (corn, potato, tomato, avocado, banana, pineapple, cacao, coffee) to create a relation of former colonial exploitation with current systems of neocolonialism. Music Composed for this video by: Tanya Tagaq


He Who Writes History Has No Memory


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