The ongoing series of video portraits, “m(Other)s,” references the 19th-century “hidden mother” photographs. The Victorian genre of photography captured infants sitting on their mothers’ laps, who were unceremoniously covered with blankets—designating them as apparatuses to prop up the children. Long exposure times for early photography required the children to sit still, often with failed results and slightly blurred images. The resulting photographs featured ghostly children perched atop uncanny hidden figures. These video portraits cite this early form of photography while reimagining it with Latinx immigrant and undocumented mothers and their children, derrogatorily referred to as “anchor babies.” A controversial term used in xenophobic rhetoric to refer to a child born to a non-citizen mother in a country that has birthright citizenship.

In each site the series is realized, Rojas films and compensates local immigrant and undocumented mothers made invisible underneath a star-spangled banner (with more than 50 stars), holding their children.The mothers’ narratives—anonymized and in their mother tongue of Spanish—share their stories of sacrifice and resilience, but also illuminate their maternal labor rendered invisible, or “othered,” by immigration legislation and xenophobia.


Exhibited at:
Alphawood Foundation. Chicago, 2017
Tiger Strikes Asteroid, Chicago 2017
Blanc gallery, Chicago, 2018
6018 North,  Chicago. 2019
LAB biennale, Bard College, New York. 2019 
Grossman Gallery Lafayette College, PA. 2021
Sigal Historical  Museum, in conversation with Laura Larson,  Easton, Penn. 2022
Emerson Contemporary, Boston, Mass.  2022
Usdan Gallery, Benington College, Vermont, 2023
South Eastern Center for Contemporary Art (SECCA) , North Carolina , 2023
Herbert Jonhson Museum, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. 2024 


Open Wounds (To Gloria)


Phantom Limb